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GLOBAL EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) TO IDENTIFY SUITABLE BIDDERS FOR SETTING UP OF COLOUR SHIFT PIGMENT MANUFACTURING FACILITY AT BRBNMPL MYSURU. 2. Corrigendum-1 file uploaded as File-2. 3. Corrigendum-2 file uploaded as File-3. 4. Corrigendum-3 file uploaded as File-4.
Sealed offers are invited for our Global Expression of Interest to receive proposal from resourceful bidders for setting up of Colour Shift Pigment (suitable for Intaglio printing process adopted in banknote production) manufacturing facility at BRBNMPL, Mysuru. The manufacturing facility should be capable to manufacture all types of Colour Shift Pigments suitable for printing Indian Banknotes. The global EOI details are as follows. For further information refer attached PDF file.. 2. Corrigendum-1 file uploaded as File-2. 3. Corrigendum-2 file uploaded as File-3. 4. Corrigendum-3 file uploaded as File-4.