Note: please download the (2334.74 kb) (548.43 kb) (547.65 kb) (1548.06 kb)
DESIGN, SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING, COMMISSIONING OF GROUND MOUNTED 1000 KWp SOLAR POWER PLANT WITHOUT BATTERY BANK (GRID INTERACTIVE) AT BRBNMPL, MYSURU. 1. Corrigendum-1 file uploaded as File-2. 3. Corrigendum-2 file uploaded as File-3. 4. Corrigendum-3 file uploaded as File-4.
Sealed tenders are invited from eligible and qualified tenderers for supply of following goods & services: For further information refer attached PDF file. 1. Corrigendum-1 file uploaded as File-2. 3. Corrigendum-2 file uploaded as File-3. 4. Corrigendum-3 file uploaded as File-4.