ध्यान दें : कृपया डाउनलोड (468.22 kb) (139.71 kb) (1077.88 kb)
AUDIT OF CSR PROJECTS / MEASURING OF SOCIAL RETURNS. 2. Corrigendum-1 file uploaded as File-2. 3. Corrigendum-2 tender cancellation notice file attached as File-3.
The General Manager-in-charge, BRBNMPL, Corporate Office, invites sealed tender from eligible and qualified tenderers in the enclosed formats under two-bid system (Techno-commercial bid and Price bid) for AUDIT OF CSR PROJECTS/MEASURING OF SOCIAL RETURNS as per detailed scope of work as well as the terms and conditions stipulated hereunder. For further information refer attached PDF file. 2. Corrigendum-1 file uploaded as File-2. 3. Corrigendum-2 tender cancellation notice file attached as File-3.