ध्यान दें : कृपया डाउनलोड
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[e-Tender] [MSTC] PRE-QUALIFICATION BID FOR SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION OF HARDWARE FOR ERP DATA CENTER AND IMPLEMENTATION OF ORACLE-JDE ERP 2. Pre-bid queries and responses uploaded as File-02. 3. Corrigendum-I uploaded as File-03. 4. Corrigendum-II uploaded as File-04.
MSTC Event No. BRBNMPL/Corporate Office/Technical/1/24-25/ET/58 [PQB for ERP Implementation]
e-tenders are invited from eligible and qualified tenderers for supply of following Goods and/or Services.
2. Pre-bid queries and responses uploaded as File-02.
3. Corrigendum-I uploaded as File-03.
4. Corrigendum-II uploaded as File-04.