
क्विक सर्च

पीरियड सर्च


ध्यान दें : कृपया डाउनलोड Tender PDF Files (474.3 kb) Tender PDF Files (1914.25 kb) Tender PDF Files (860.62 kb)

  • टेंडर नो: 02/CO/GT/2019-20
  • ओपन डेट: 17 Jul 2019
  • क्लोजिंग डेट: 24 Sep 2019
  • टाइप: open
  • वफ़ादारी समझौता: yes
  • रिमार्क्स: open
  • MANUFACTURING AND SUPPLY OF OVERPRINT VARNISH FOR INDIAN BANKNOTE. Pre-bid meeting notice, Minutes and EMD clarification for the tender has been uploaded as File-2. 3. Corrigendum -1 and tender cancellation notice files attached as File-3.

    Sealed two part bids (technical and price bid) is hereby invited from eligible and resourceful tenderers for ― Manufacturing and Supply of overprint varnish for Indian banknote. For further information refer attached PDF file. Pre-bid meeting notice, Minutes and EMD clarification for the tender has been uploaded as File-2. 3. Corrigendum -1 and tender cancellation notice files attached as File-3.